The spiritual path leads nowhere if you do not walk it with humility.
You must see your ambition, see your self-importance, and welcome life as it throttles them out of you.
Ahmed Rifai was on the Hajj. At night he had a dream, that he had arrived at the Kaaba and that it was surrounded by a wall with gates. Over the first gate was the word LOVE. This gate was crowded and he could not enter. Around the side was another gate. Over it was the word PEACE. It too was crowded and he could not enter. Around the corner was another gate. There was no one there and Ahmed entered. Above this gate was the word HUMILIATION.
The path is needed to break down our false pride, crush our ego and enable us to feel humility. We cannot do this for ourselves. Life does it for us if we are willing to take it in. To have humility is to have wounds, disappointments, defeats. Your flag is in tatters. You feel to the depth of your being that you are unworthy. Only then can you be trusted.
February 26, 2024
Tags: humility, work notes