• October 28, 2024

    When I want something it is because it is wanting…there is a lack of that thing. Wanting begins in poverty.

    How will I go about satisfying this want? Likely I will use the pushing force. I will try to get what is wanting by looking for it and attempting to gain it from my environment, perhaps from others, perhaps by using money or persuasion or charm. My attention is on the getting.

    Or I could use the pulling force. I could make myself deserving of receiving what I want, exercise patience and allow the universe to present me with it, using my attention to be favorable in my disposition, creating the conditions for a gift of what I want.

    Because wanting begins in poverty, with what I lack, there is very little scope for will. The impulse of wanting ties me to the automatic functioning of the nervous system and the emotion of desire. Using the pulling force is more subtle, involving a different setting of the attention and the breath which are receptive and accepting. I can probably bring more of my sensations to the task. I can more easily note the contrary impulses or attitudes which may push the thing I want away from my grasp.

    And then there is the very different action of wishing. When I wish for something, I do not begin with a lack. I do not want the aim of my wish. I intend it. This is the beginning of will. The direction is up. There is none of the force of pushing or pulling. I place the wish at the feet of the universe and accept its sense of rightness. My wish is under the aegis of higher powers. Perhaps now, perhaps later or not at all, the wish will be realized. The communication of the wish is already its fulfillment and in this there is great richness.

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  • October 1, 2015

    I wish for you to explore the difference between wishing and wanting. These words are used interchangeably but they do not at all mean the same thing and they refer to different states.

    To want is to be without and to be motivated by a state of lacking, a condition of want. Unconsciously or not, when action springs from want, it is like filling a hole. It draws what is lacking towards self, to satisfy self.

    Wishing has a sensation of affirming something outside oneself. It transfers force to that which is wished for. This force is created by wishing, it is not stolen from elsewhere.

    Words are important. In Vajrayana Buddhism, speech connects body and mind. In all religions, great importance is given to words. The word you use activates psychic and physical reverberations in yourself and others, establishing orientation and direction of actions. In automatic functioning, body habits precede and determine speech which then enslaves mind. Perception is lost. In one who works on self, mind perception discerns what can be wished and chooses words of helpful orientation.

    Use attention to become sensitive to the reverberation of words. Words are not just ideas, they are sensations which evoke physical and psychic states. Some words also invoke. Find this in your own experience.

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