Vajrayana Buddhism has a form of meditation called Trekchö which is difficult to explain. It translates as ‘cutting through’ and ‘spontaneous’. It has been described as “recognition of one’s own innately pure, empty awareness”. Another trekchö instruction states: “This instant freshness, unspoiled by thoughts.”
There is no approach, no development path, no gradualism in this practice. It is direct, immediate and lacking in content. There are only “pointing out” instructions.
This practice is “inside itself”. There is noticing (“rig”) and there is noticing that you notice (“rigpa” or awareness). Can you combine them in one movement? Can you look directly into the awareness that experiences? Can you see that you are seeing?
Thinking will not get you there. The question triggers the event, or not. It is a skill that comes more easily with repetition. Once you know it, you have a reliable ‘place’ of refuge from your thoughts. You have spaciousness.
Trying to think it is solipsistic.
March 18, 2024
Tags: meditation, Trekchö, Vajrayana Buddism, work notes