I think that one of the greatest challenges we face in our lives is isolation. What does this work say about isolation?
First, can you explore the sensations of isolation? Can you inquire into the state objectively?
It would be easy to think that isolation means not having contact with other people and that the solution is to have contact with others. But if you explore the state objectively, you may find that isolation is not about the need for others. It’s about you.
When I experience isolation, I am focused on myself. I am thinking about myself. I am not sensing my environment. I am not able to access feeling. My isolation is self-created, it’s identification with an aspect of self, a psychological state characterized by self-absorption.
To feel isolated is to be disconnected. Disconnected from what? Perhaps attention? Can you shift attention?
Consider this. Isolation is personal. To exit isolation, exit the personal.
Impartial attention exists in all places and times. It instantly connects all that it touches. It is the matrix of unity.
Partial attention, attention appropriated by the head brain, funneled through the narrow portal of the personality, focused on self, reinforces separateness. Do not take attention into the person…step out into the greater field of attention.
It is the impersonal, the formless, the abstract, the metaphysical, that removes isolation. See what happens when you enter presence. Is it possible to be a uniquely existing exactness without having boundaries? That is what presence is, that’s what it is to be unidentified. No boundaries.
The abstract is the glue that permeates and holds everything in relationship. It is the universal origin of all apparent individuations.
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