Hear me, dear voyager
Companion of my heart
Hear me, NAME
Your journeys have not ended
A new one has begun
Listen to my voice, o dear one
Listen to my instructions
Do not panic or despair
All that you suffer are your own emanations
The undigested remnants of your life among us
Projections from your past
Do not be fooled by appearances
Be neither attracted nor repelled
Know that all phenomena is illusion.
Separate deception from truth
Your deepest nature is the luminous void
Neither begetting nor begotten
Always existing
You are the voyager
Remember yourself as the voyager
In the clear light of true perception
Can you remember that you loved?
Can you remember you were loved?
Take refuge in the healing power of love
Take refuge in your heart
Heart to heart, I have not left you
Heart to heart, I am with you
You are not alone on your journey
Hear me, o voyager
Companion of my heart
Hear me, NAME
Your journeys have not ended
A new one has begun
Listen to my voice, o dear one
Listen to my instructions
Lights will appear before you
To cleanse or to beguile
Always choose the clearest lights
Lights of brilliant intensity
Embrace their healing radiations
To cleanse the emanations of your previous life
Take refuge in the presence of your presence
Impartial to it all
Neither attracted nor repelled
Abide in the field of all attention
Be steadfast in the field of the will
Not distracted by phenomena
Call upon the Lord of Death to assist you
He, the unborn resident of the labyrinth
Has sacrificed his own redemption
To redeem all sentient beings.
He is the eternal one,
Do not fear him.
He shall not fail to take you safely across
The fearful turmoil of your own projections
Remember yourself as the voyager
Whose deepest nature is clear light
Infinite, eternal, uncreated
You are the bornless one
Surrender to the luminous void
Enter endless crystal waters
Return again to your origin